Should have stopped Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 A few minutes before I finally did stop. The eyes are pretty bad and that was what I bungled in the last strokes of the brush. [Show slideshow]
Looks a bit like her Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 Well. this one is not too bad.Switching the medium often seems to really help.Never feeling too comfortable with just one way of sketching. [Show slideshow]
Another pencil drawing Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 If time is scarce, use a pencil. [Show slideshow]
Two sketches today Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 Well to be honest I did not sketch yesterday.So to catch up I had to do twice as many today. [Show slideshow]
Got a new pencil Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 A new mechanicl pencil works wonders 😉 [Show slideshow]
New sketchbook Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 Another sketchbook is full and I started a fresh one. [Show slideshow]
An angry man Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 Not sure why he is angry, but he has some bad vibes. [Show slideshow]
The poor guy Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 I skewered his face far too much and the hairline is a bit too high as well. [Show slideshow]
Aargh, still 30 days Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 I need to do more math again. The halfway point is on the 1. July not June.Still plenty of days to go then. [Show slideshow]
Half way point Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 I guess I have managed to sketch every single day for half a year now.Well, it is a start, but the rest of the year is still in front of me. [Show slideshow]