Come swim with me Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 This little sea horse wants to swim with you. So please take some time to enjoy the ride.
A small bird Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 And another small bird, just a quick one as I am again one day late.
Can I have THAT please Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 He looks like he really wants to get something. Whatever that may be.
Not a good day Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 The day was not really good at work, so the face here represents pretty accurate how I feel right now. At least I am on track again, timewise.
One day late Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 Well the look says it all. I had had no time yesterday for the sketch, so today there will be two. Well, I will be cheating as I just post this with another date 🙂
I am the terror of the night Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 Fear me, for I am your darkest nightmare. Sort of. 🙂
A little cat Veröffentlicht von cnikiel 0 This cat seems to have a lot of power. Don’t know where she got it from. Definitely not me 🙂