Some color again

Still learning Krita, somehow I am not able to create a new layer with a locked Alpha.
So I had to paint the shadows directly on the color layers.
Anyway I am getting there.


Baron von Rummelsdorf

Or maybe better Comte de Champingac.
Today only in black an white, but tomorrow I will add the colors to him.
It just takes to long to Color him today.


And now Spirou

Another color drawing, this time Spirou.
Franquin was able to sketch with so few lines so much character.
I am as always in awe.


First tries with color

This is the first time I used colors in one of the drawings.
Flat colors during the beginning, the rest will have to be learned the hard way.


Another Idefix

Since I am still learning how to use Krita, I stick to things I know.
So here is another Sketch of Idefix (at least this is his german Name)
