Linda Hunt

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Again those eyes are bad….. Looking at these drawings a few days later shows all the mistakes. Anyway posting them here even though these are pretty embarrasing

Mark Harmon

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Definitely to thin, black ink is not removable….. What a surprise… And drawing over it with white is not really an option either.

A new month

Can’t believe that I actually managed to draw one picture each day.
Many of them are ugly and could have used some more time.
But as always for these drawings I am pressed for time.
Each one took between 15 and 35 minutes. Many do not look finished, but the idea was not to create finished pieces, but draw each and every day.

Next month will be even more embarrasing, as I attempt to draw portraits.
I do hope a few of them will be remotely recognizable.
There is no chance that they will actually be good 😉
But again one drawing each and every day.

Let’s see how far in the year I can get.